Mesothelioma case study
Iris worked in several factories in Belfast in the 1960s and 1970s. She was aware of the existence of asbestos in more than one of her work environments. Like so many hard-working factory workers, Iris received a cancer diagnosis in her later years after falling ill. She had mesothelioma as a result of exposure to asbestos.
What is mesothelioma?
The NHS describes mesothelioma as a type of cancer that develops in the lining that covers the outer surface of some of the body’s organs. It’s usually linked to asbestos exposure and it mainly affects the lining of the lungs.
Iris required surgery and chemotherapy to combat her illness. This carried risk due to her advanced years. Thankfully, her treatment was successful.
Iris contacted McCartan Turkington Breen Solicitors
Iris was aware of old colleagues who had brought claims against former employers of exposure to asbestos. She decided to enquire about this for herself. She contacted McCartan Turkington Breen and had the benefit of a free exploratory discussion with Tanya Waterworth, an industrial disease solicitor. Satisfied with how this enquiry went, Iris instructed Tanya with her case.
Tanya sent letters of claim to several of Iris’ former employers. In these letters, it was explained that we were instructed to claim for personal injuries, loss and damage on behalf of our client as a result of her exposure to asbestos. They denied liability.
We issued proceedings against several former employers
We issued proceedings in the High Court and set the matter down for hearing. We instructed expert witnesses to prepare reports on Iris’ injuries, losses and damages. This included examinations from several leading medical consultants. These would be vital to the evidence we would present.
The former employers agreed to negotiate a settlement. These negotiations were successful and they agreed to apportion liability between themselves. The case was settled in the amount of £270,500.
We are industrial disease claims experts
If you have suffered from an industrial disease such as mesothelioma, pleural plaques, industrial hearing loss or a repetitive strain injury, we can help. Visit Industrial Disease Claims to learn more or contact us for a free initial consultation with a solicitor.
The name referenced throughout this case study is a pseudonym that has been put in place to protect the client’s privacy.